Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

How long must we wait to see the good things we know are out there and seem just an arms length away? How long must we wait and how far can we go down into the very depths do we have to go? I am at a total loss. I am so looking forward to start climbing out of this pit .

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Frustration at its Finest

Who knew I would be at this place in my life. If I could ever begin to have a choice as to what transpires in my life, it certainly would not be what has taken place over the last few months. The littlest things irritate me to no end. And yet those around me don't think I even have the right to feel the things I am feeling. I apparently have no right to feel the things I am feeling. I am a prisoner in my own home. I have no freedom whatsoever. I continually am waiting for the ax to fall or the next thing to happen. What will transpire next? I dread waking up many days. I really have no person around me to even open up to. If I try and say anything to anyone here I am being overly dramatic. I fear where I may end up if things don't change here. I feel as if I am beating my head against the wall and there is no way out. to be honest......